Through Runescape I also discovered other Jagex games like funorb. They weren't as fun like Runescape, but
RuneScape gold they were fun. They're not that important, so I don't know whether they're in the game. However, I'll remember them if I do.
Here is a bonus one about the way the forums (or at the very least two members of the forum) have impacted my life. Years ago (mid 2006) I had to create a four letter password. I really had no idea what I should write down, so I decided that the first four-letter phrase I thought of would be my password. It was discovered that Yuanrang was the currency. While Yuan is also a currency, I was not thinking that way.
After a couple months I realized that it was difficult to type, so I changed the password to dani (from Danijerika, now also known as Arianna). That password/account was something I had used for a long time however I don't use it. I frequently wonder why I think of yuan prior to four letter phrases the majority of teenagers think of as "bbal" or "sexy". It could be a minor influence or quite important.
RuneScape allows you to play mock job interviews. It prepares you for work in real life. The game is about repetitive boring tasks, grinding. You do stuff that isn't particularly fun to get Gp, then you use the money to buy stuff that is fun and then repeat. You could even consider an actual job. You may be wondering what you would do in a bread factory.
You press a button to pour some flour, you press the button to pour flour, you press a button to pour some flour. After a few hours the production manager will arrive and instruct you to rotate, and then you'll press a button to slice the bread. press a button to cut the bread, and
buy rs 3 gold press a button to cut the bread.